Elephant Hide
Elephant Hide paper is quite durable, may be sharply creased or folded repeatedly without cracking or bunching, has a consistent texture, little to no bias, and responds well to wet-folding without warping or buckling.
Elephant Hide paper is favored for tesselation or large origami projects although its main use is in bookbinding. The paper has a smooth, lustrous surface that is durable and wonderful for origami. The paper is the same color on both sides (there is no reverse side).
Here is a comparison of all of the Elephant Hide papers:
High White is a warm white. White is a warm, earthy, off-white. Ivory is a natural sand with a hint of yellow. Light Brown is a rich, dark sand. Light Grey is a cool, light grey. Charcoal is a complex, dark grey. Black is a non-glossy, flat black.
Elephant Hide paper has a weight of 110g. For reference purposes: 9g is extremely lightweight tissue, effectively transparent; 45g is a heavy tissue or very lightweight text weight paper, usually somewhat translucent; 70g is approximate weight of Western bond paper, usually opaque (20lb multi-purpose bond is 75g); 90g is heavy text weight stock, flexible enough for invitation folds but difficult for origami; 120g is average cardstock, opaque.